Wheat Biosecurity Lab
6th Stromlo Molecular Plant Pathology Meeting

The program for the conference has now been announced and looks fantastic. If you haven't registered yet, please do so via the link below. The deadline for registration is November 21.
Having enjoyed a break in 2017 for the Queenstown adventure, the Stromlo Molecular Plant Pathology meeting is back on the calendar this year for November 29 and 30.
Unlike previous years, the meeting won’t be held at Stromlo (for various reasons) but will be in the fantastic auditorium in the new China in the World building on the main ANU campus in Canberra (see above for image). The theatre has the capacity of around 200 people so unlike previous years, we’ll be able open up registration to all interested in coming along. Its location at ANU also means that hire cars etc won’t be needed get up to Stromlo. Registration is now open for the meeting.
Each year we try to organise an international speaker to give a plenary seminar at the meeting. This year we have been very fortunate with several international leaders agreeing to join us:
Professor Paul Birch is a global leader in the oomycete field and has been instrumental in identifying and characterising RxLR effectors.
Dr Kim Hammond-Kosack is a leader in the wheat molecular plant pathology field with strong interests in Fusarium graminearum and Zymoseptoria tritici. Dr Hammond-Kosack is not only an expert in understanding the molecular basis of these pathogens, but also has a strong interest in using these findings for their management in the field.
Dr Naweed Naqvi from the Temasek Life Sciences Lab in Singapore has published some outstanding papers on the rice blast pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae, particularly on host hormone manipulation by the fungus during infection.
Registration for the 2-day meeting is only $132 including all lunches, coffees and a conference dinner.
So please mark these dates in your calendar and circulate to lab members and other interested parties. ALL ARE WELCOME!